Saturday, May 23, 2009

Some biscuits & marshmallows

When I was busy with my exams, I was also busy blogging and watching Korean drama (20 episodes in 3 days). However, now that exams are over, I didn't accomplish much (2 episodes in 30 days). Don't ask me where all my time went! I do enjoy moments like daydreaming on my train ride to work instead of reading my notes. ^_^

I had a coke bottles giveaway and will be contacting the winner very soon. I would like to give a very warm welcome to new followers on my blog and thank those who comment on my Flickr photos. I feel really happy when you like my miniature food!

I practiced making a box and the first photo shows work-in-progress. I'm beginning to love such work-in-progress pictures and may do a tutorial soon.

The smaller biscuits ended up as vanilla cream sandwiched biscuits in a pink box while the bigger ones ended up as fruit tartlets.

And I learnt how to make MARSHMALLOWS! It is not difficult actually. I enjoyed twisting the clay. Twist it tighter and you can make lollipops.

~Have a great weekend!~


crazycandycake said...

hi girl,

pls drop by at my handmade creations blog: (= thanks!

Dracenea said...

Very cute stuff, as always! :)