These are really tiny. In fact they are so small that I can't take a proper picture of them showing the shape of bears. I had to put two on my finger before you can see that they are miniature gummy bears.
Unfortunately I had time to make only three colors. I'm still trying to improve on my time management now that baby is taking up most of my time. No, I should say ALL of my time. I'd probably be crying in a week's time when my nanny leaves. :~(
Well... life goes on and things can only get better. Wish me plenty of luck!
El bebe necesita mucho tiempo. Disfruta de cada momento porque crecen muy rápido.
Estos ositos que te ha dejado hacer :) están perfectos y con unos colores muy dulces.
Besos Clara
Felicidades por esos trabajos tan perfectos, tu imaginacion no tiene limites, un beso
this is an incredible blog. So glad I found it! Keep up the good work!!
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